Dr. Husain Rangwala
SLA Ambassador Stay Bonded India
May 17-18
Bengaluru, India
The SIX LESSONS APPROACH is a combination of THEORY + HANDSON which will be covered across 2 DAYS of comprehensive training program for Dr. David’s SLA, which serve as the basis for the techniques and protocols of biomimetics.
The following points will be covered:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Caries, the biomimetic way!
Diagnosis and Treatment of Cracks into Dentin
Immediate Dentin Sealing and Resin Coating
Controlling for C-Factor Stresses
Semi-direct Onlay Fabrication and
Bonding to Enamel
Occlusal Adjustment and Verticalization of Envelope of Function
and more!
Dr. David Alleman and Dr. Davey Alleman will join via Zoom for a live Q&A. For more information and registration, call Dr. Rangwala at +91-8446382553.